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Why does my retainer feel snug or tight?

If your retainer feels tight, it might indicate that your teeth have shifted slightly. It’s essential to wear your retainer as instructed to prevent such shifting. If the tightness causes discomfort or pain, consult your orthodontist for advice.

How Do I Prepare a Hesitant Child for Braces?

For parents considering braces for their children, it’s essential to prepare them for this journey. Speak positively about the experience, emphasizing the benefits. Let them know the orthodontist and their team will do everything possible to make the process go as smoothly as possible. Books and videos about getting braces can also make the transition easier for young ones.

Are There Benefits to Braces Besides Having Straighter Teeth?

Contrary to popular belief, braces are not purely cosmetic. They can significantly improve oral function. Also, braces are no longer as intrusive or uncomfortable as they once were, thanks to technological advancements.

What Are the Psychological Benefits of Braces?

A beautiful smile does more than boost your appearance; it elevates your self-esteem and contributes to better mental health. Studies indicate that people with aligned teeth often feel more confident.

How Do I Prepare for Life After Braces?

Congratulations, your braces are off! But the journey doesn’t end here. Retainers are crucial in maintaining your new smile.

Retainers could be removable or fixed, depending on your orthodontist’s recommendation. Regular follow-up visits ensure that retainers are worn properly and that your teeth remain in their new, correct positions.

Pre-Braces Dental Check-up: Is It Necessary?

Yes, visiting your family dentist for a thorough cleaning and check-up before applying braces is essential. Your orthodontist will advise you on how far in advance to schedule this. Remember to avoid having fluoride treatments with your dentist two weeks before getting your braces, as the fluoride may interfere with the braces adhering to the teeth.

How many appointments are required during clear aligner treatment?

Regular check-ups with your orthodontist are recommended throughout the treatment process to make sure teeth are moving appropriately and to address any issues that may arise. Some orthodontic offices offer remote monitoring options that can minimize the number of appointments needed in person. While this can be an added convenience for you, it also allows the orthodontist to be more regularly updated and involved with your ongoing treatment. 

What is the process for getting clear aligners?

  1. Scan in office (10-15 minutes) 
  2. Production and shipping of the aligners (this step can take up to 6 weeks for some offices)
  3. Delivery of aligners, placement of attachments, how-to wear and care instructions, etc. (45 minutes -1 hour) 

Is getting aligners faster than getting braces?

Not necessarily. Clear aligners are not usually fabricated on site, and delivery from the manufacturer can take 4-6 weeks. Combined with initial scans, placing attachments, and educating the user on how to properly wear and care for them, aligners can take just as long as braces.

What if a problem comes up and I can’t make my payment?

If you are unable to make your payment(s) for orthodontic treatment, communicate that to your orthodontist immediately. The orthodontist needs to be aware of this change in your circumstances.